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BRAUN András (1967-2015)
1989-1995 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, Painting Department
1995-1997 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, postgraduate studies
Posthumous exhibitions:
2019 I can’t see it as it should Fészek Gallery, Hermann studio Budapest
2018 Indian daddy Irokéz galery, Szombathely
2017 Braun András (1967-2015) Farawell Exhibition Herman Ottó museum - Miskolci Galery, Miskolc
2017 80 collage Resident Art Budapest, Budapest
2016 Braun András (1967-2015) Farawell Exhibition – Biography film debut Fest;tisztít Galery, Budapest
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2015 Rotary section – New works and album exhibition - A.P.A. Galéria, Budapest
2013 The begining of the NIPP age, Flux Galery, Budapest
2012 Ritual virtuality, Nextart Gallery, Budapest
2011 Hub gear, Gallery Neon, Budapest
Shifting self-center, Temple Gallery, Eger, Hungary
2010 Solid fan-fair, National Theater Budapest, Hungary (with Mónika Bek Balla)
Art Moments Colorbar, Budapest (with Mónika Bek Balla)
2009 Brown-drift, acb Gallery, Budapest
2008 Eye for eye, hour for hour, acb Gallery, Budapest
Paintings, Cafe Eklektika, Budapest
2007 Cronos and Co., acb Gallery, Budapest
2006 Self-starter, acb Gallery, Budapest
House of Arts, Miskolc, (H)
2005 FOLLOW ME, acb Gallery, Budapest
2004 HU.GO, acb Gallery, Budapest
MU Színház, Budapest
2003 Recto - Verso, Irokéz Gallery, Szombathely (with Zoltán Ádám)
VERSO, acb gallery, Budapest
2001 Annuus Patium, Bank Center, Budapest
Fire Deluge, City Gallery, Tiszaújváros (H)
ION, Deák Erika Gallery, Budapest
2000 Diana and Hubertus, Gallery of Szombathely, Szombathely (H)
R 29.C, Deák Erika Gallery, Budapest
1998 Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros (H)
1997 Stúdió Gallery, Budapest
1996 Mű-Terem Showroom, Budapest
1993 Tam-Tam Galéria, Budapest
1992 Hangár, Budapest
1991 Folyamat Gallery, Budapest
Selected Group Exhibitions
2019 Selection of the ICA-D’ works Centrul de interes, Cluj-Napoca
2017 Medium summoners (Posthoumus) MAMŰ Galery, Budapest
2016 Goalpost – Soccer in the contemporary Hungarian fine arts (posthumous) Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros
2015 “Map of the new art” Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
“Fine arts here and now 2015” Műcsarnok, Budapest
“The Day of the Hungarian Painting ” Bálna, Budapest
2014 Live contemporary painting - The Day of the Hungarian Painting Bálna, Budapest
Winter exhibition of Miskolc Miskolci Galéria, Miskolc
Haunted Lounge Nextart Galéria, Budapest
2013 Aviation, Váci Mihály Community Centre, Veresegyház (H)
2012 What is Hungarian? Contamporary Answers Műcsarnok/ Kunsthalle, Budapest
The Day of the Hungarian Painting, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
Studioshow 1/2/3 , Budapest
2011 Hibridity in the Carpathians The Irokéz Collection and the Regime Change, Modem, Debrecen
Space.metal Rákoczi-house, Miskolc
2009 Abstract and eroticism ’69 B55 Gallery, Budapest
Art Fanatics Műcsarnok/ Kunsthalle, Budapest
2008 What’s up? Műcsarnok/ Kunsthalle, Budapest
Discretion, Final exhibition of VI.Art-workshop of Miskolc, Bartok 32 Gallery, Budapest
Selection, Deak Erika Gallery, Budapest
The last denial of the time, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
Maecenas days, Műcsarnok/ Kunsthalle, Budapest
2007 Place of birth: Miskolc, Gallery of Miskolc,Miskolc (H)
Discretion, Gallery of Miskolc, Miskolc (H)
2006 Ten years of the Strabag Painting Prize, Museum of Contemporary Art – Ludwig Museum, Budapest
Generally Believed, Collegicum Hungaricum, Berlin
2005 Achille Piotti Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Hungarian EU-House, Brussel
Winter Salons, Gallery of Miskolc, Miskolc (H)
2004 Technoreal, Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros (H)
2003 Without title, Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros (H)
Cream, MEO Contemporary Art Collection, Budapest
Selection, acb Gallery, Budapest
Introductory Exhibition, acb Gallery, Budapest
Latest Works, Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle, Budapest
What – Why? Gallery of Szombathely, Szombathely (H)
2002 Derkovits Exhibition, Ernst Museum, Budapest
K&H Private Banking, Budapest
Homogene, Cadre Rouge Gallery, Budapest
End of the World Festival, Szimpla, Budapest
2001 Dialogue, Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle, Budapest
Accidental Works, Artpool, Budapest
Derkovits Exhibition, Ernst Museum, Budapest
6X Ungarn, Kassák Museum, Budapest / Künstlerhaus, Passau (Germany)
Irokéz Collection, Szombathely (H) / Műcsarnok, Budapest
2000 MM - Timeless, Deák Erika Gallery, Budapest
Derkovits Exhibition, Ernst Museum, Budapest
Summertime, Deák Erika Gallery, Budapest
Dialogue, Deák Erika Gallery, Budapest
Markt9, König Albrecht Haus, Lipcse (Germany)
Junge Kunst Ungarn, Drezdner Bank, München (Germany)
1999 Magyar Aszfalt Prize, Museum for Contemporary Art - Ludwig Museum, Budapest
Remix, Pécsi Gallery, Pécs (H)
Budapesti anzix, Fészek Gallery, Budapest
Pattern, Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle, Budapest
Hellhof, Kronberg (Germany)
Karmelitenkloster, Frankfurt (Germany)
The First Autrotel Contemporary Art Fair, Vienna
1998 Polgár Gallery, Budapest
Traffic, Landesgalerie, Eisenstadt (Austria)
Anthology, Museum for Contemporary Art - Ludwig Museum, Budapest
Obserwatorium, Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw
Stalemate, Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros (H)
Black Money, Polish Institute, Budapest
Open Studio, Gasworks Gallery, London
1997 Traffic, Gallery of Szombathely, Szombathely; Morawska Galeria, Brno (Czech Republic)
New Studio Members, Duna Gallery, Budapest
Oil/Canvas, Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle, Budapest
New Acquisitions, Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros (H)
1996 Gallery by Slide I., Liget Gallery, Budapest
Dreamhome, Tent Festival, Margit Island, Budapest
K as Chimera, Gallery of Szombathely, Szombathely
1995 Monthly-Collection, Vizivárosi Gallery, Budapest
1994 Sound, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest
1993 Vajda Lajos Studio, Szentendre (H)
1992 Light, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest
1989-90 Berlin-Ambiente – Budapest, Berlin, Paris
Art Fairs
2003 MEO Art Fair, Budapest
2004 KunstKöln, Köln
Antik Enteriör, Budapest
Christmas Fair Kogart House, Budapest
2005 ViennAfair 2005, Wien
PLUG, Budapest
2006 ViennAfair 2005, Wien
Arte Fiera, Bologna
Viennafair, Bécs
2007 ArtFair Bologna
ArtFair, Bécs
2012 Artplacc , Tihany
2013 Art Market, Budapest
Awards, Scholarships
1995 Ludwig Foundation, 1st Prize
1998 Scholarship of the Soros Foundation
Artist Residence, Gasworks Gallery, London
1999 Magyar Aszfalt Award, 2nd Prize
1999-01 Gyula Derkovits Scholarship
2000 Scholarship of the Budapest Gallery in Frankfurt
2003 Scholarship of the National Cultural Foundation
2004 Fineart Scholarship of Miskolc town
2005 Scholarship of the National Cultural Foundation
2006 Scholarship of the National Cultural Foundation
2011 Scholarship of the National Cultural Foundation
2013 Scholarship of the National Cultural Foundation
2014 Scholarship of the National Cultural Foundation
Szoboszlai János: Hang, Árvai György, Beviz József, Braun András, Kiss Péter, Nemes Csaba, Veress Zsolt kiállítása, Balkon, 1994/10
Petrányi Zsolt: Olaj / vászon katalógus, 1997
Petrányi Zsolt: Observatorium katalógus 1997
Fabényi Júlia: Trafik katalógus 1997
Tolvaly Ernő: K, mint Chimera, Balkon, 1997/4-5.
Sissova: Braun András Dunaújvárosban, Mr. Brown és az ördögi körök, Magyar Narancs, 1998. február 12.
Rajz Helga Eszter: Az élet körei, Balkon, 1998/3.
Radák Eszter: Antólógia, Balkon, 1998/4.
Kollár József: Termékváltás a metaforagyárban, Új művészet, 1998/8.
Készman József: Az avantgard avantgardja?! Új művészet, 1998/12
Szilágyi Szilvia: Körképek – Braun András festményei Octogon 2000 1. szám
Kozma G.: Pöttyök után Braun, Vas népe 2000 január 10.
Kozma G.: Nem Vasarely, Diana és Hubertus, Vas népe 2000. január 13.
Sisso: Szépállomás, Braun András tárlata és Anyma sound system-party Szombathelyen, Mancs, 2000 január 13.
Osvárt Judit: Több szempontból, Tér és Rend 2000 április-május
Szilágyi Szilvia: Tárlat, Nyár Magyar Narancs 2000. július 13